Periodic Maintenance
With Most Modern Equipments
Regular oil changes are necessary to maintain your vehicle’s reliability and performance. The engine lasts longer with this and they can also help with your vehicle’s fuel economy. We conduct oil changes and / or top-up the oil (for Engine, Steering, Transmission, and Coolant), replace Air & Fuel Filters. You can choose your oil change options which are designed to fit the needs of your vehicle. A range of premium oils, from conventional to synthetic are there to choose from.
Apart from standard oil changes, we also offer a full line of oil change products & services for diverse vehicle needs like:
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With regular engine tune-ups we bring power and efficiency back to your car. At Hope city Auto, we visually inspect all of your engine components and install new parts (including spark plugs and fuel filters) as needed. You’ll find that your engine starts easier, runs smoother and is more efficient. A regular engine tune-up will lower emissions, improve fuel economy and restore lost power.
Our Engine tune-up services include:
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Hope city Auto provides the highest quality auto body painting services. Our highly qualified and trained technicians perform their magic on your car and make it look like brand new! Periodic polishing will reduce the corrosion and make the paint last longer. We stand behind the quality of our painting and polishing services by providing guarantee on all our work. So bring your car to us, to maintain the new look every day.
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Car air conditioning is one factor that adds to your riding comfort. As it works all year round to filter out dust, pollen and minimizing condensation levels it keeps you and your passengers comfortable and healthy. Regular maintenance is needed to preserve the air conditioning work more efficiently and it needs to be serviced and recharged to continue to work to its optimum level. We diagnose and repair most air conditioning related problems.
Our Services include;
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Tire Maintenance
As the only parts of your vehicle that actually touch the road, Tires need to be cared for. Hence proper maintenance of psi levels, inspection of tread wear levels and replacements new tires, if necessary, are important. Hope city Auto offers a full range of tire services ranging from tire replacement, Balancing, Alignment to Nitrogen filling.
Tire Inflating
Tires in good condition & properly inflated help to improve fuel economy and wear more evenly as well. That’s why our services include checking the tire pressure and inflating or deflating the tires as appropriate to meet your vehicle manufacturer’s recommendations.
We also recommend inflating tires with Nitrogen as it keeps the inner walls of the tires cooler and helps in giving longer life for the tires and in turn gives better mileage.
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Tire ServicesGood traction is essential to feel comfortable on the road. Diverse factors, including improper alignment cause tires to wear out unevenly across the tread pattern. Regular tire rotations at Hope city Auto can help evenly distribute wear so that you get the most miles out of your tires while maximizing traction on all four wheels and helping prevent flat tires.
Other Parts
Periodic Maintenance is also done for other parts like:
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Periodic Maintenance
Periodic Scheduled Maintenance (PMS) can help keep your car running at its best! It is a schedule service to maximize the vehicle health, preventing breakdowns and failures on road. The main advantage of PSM is that it is periodically looked up by the service centre and any possible faults can be taken care of immediately and avoid any expenses in the future.
Hope city Auto has trained technicians who can perform all of your car maintenance and repairs. Our technicians perform multi-point inspections & will provide you the detailed report of your car conditions.
Periodic Schedule Maintenance includes:
- Vehicle inspection
- Element filter and lubricant replacement
- Visual inspection of any oil or coolant leakages
- Brakes and tires inspection
- Top-up of any fluids
- Visual inspection of any cracks on mountings or bushes etc.
- All lights
- Wiper blades
- Door greasing (if needed)
Oil & Filter Change

Regular oil changes are necessary to maintain your vehicle’s reliability and performance. We give you the oil sutra of 10000km which you need to remember as the deadline for a daily running vehicle’s oil change.
The plus points of being regular with your oil change are that the engine lasts longer with and they can also help with your vehicle’s fuel economy. We conduct oil changes, top-up the oil (for Engine, Steering, Transmission, and Coolant), replace Air & Fuel Filters. You can choose your oil change options which are designed to fit the needs of your vehicle. A range of premium oils, from conventional to synthetic are there to choose from.
Apart from standard oil changes, we also offer a full line of oil change products & services for diverse vehicle needs like:
- 4 X 4 & SUV engines
- High-performance engines
- Higher mileage engines with 75,000 miles or more
- Full synthetic oil changes
Hope city Auto one of the best Oil Change Dubai provides the following main services to oil and filter troubles :
- Lubrication of all fittings
- Oil filter Replacement
- Checking all fluids and topping-off where needed
- Checking of tire pressure, air filter, all belts, and hoses
- Inspection of Engine and undercarriage for leaks
Engine Check & Tune Up
The engine is the heart of your car and it has to be looked after for a longer healthy life. So take care of your engine and the car takes care of itself. That’s why we insist on periodic engine checkups and fine-tuning.
We at Hope city Auto ensure that these engine services are carried out as per your needs. Because we understand the pivotal role of an engine in keeping all the other parts of your car safe and working. With regular engine tune-ups, we bring power and efficiency back to your car.
At Hope city Auto, we visually inspect all of your engine components and install new parts (including spark plugs and fuel filters) as needed. You’ll find that your engine starts easier, runs smoother and is more efficient. A regular engine tune-up will lower emissions, improve fuel economy and restore lost power. So check in to hand over your vehicle for a thorough analysis at our expert’s hands.
Our Engine tune-up services include:
- Engine flushing
- Injector servicing
- Fuel system servicing
- Spark plugs and coils replacement
- Timing and idle setting (if applicable).
- Throttle body servicing
- Air filter replacement
- Fuel filter replacement
- A three-step process that removes carbon deposits on the vehicle’s fuel injectors

Painting & Polishing

Even the diamond loses its luster as time acts on it, then how can a car be left behind. Time, seasons, dust, traffic, extreme climates all take a toll on your car’s look and feel. The glazing can become dim and you may just start to wonder what the car’s old now. But we would suggest that you think again. How long its been since you gave a nice polishing to your car. The external looks count as much as internal machinery. In fact, we at Boby think the outside look inspires you to care for the internal so it is the first thing to care for.
A traditional car scratch repair would have been an expensive affair. Not anymore. The reason is that traditional approaches all focussed on bodywork replacement and they usually come in sets of expensive pairs. At Hope city Auto we use the finest technologies that let us work on the affected part alone. It requires no body replacement and when it comes to time we are super-efficient.
Hope city Auto provides the highest quality auto body painting services. Our highly qualified and trained technicians perform their magic on your car and make it look like brand new! Periodic polishing will reduce corrosion and make the paint last longer. We stand behind the quality of our painting and polishing services by providing a guarantee on all our work. So bring your car to us, to maintain the new look every day.
Remember: “A car of beauty is a joy forever.”
AC Services
Your AC does more than just regulate your internal temperature. For one thing, it adds to your riding comfort. As it works all year round to filter out dust, pollen and minimizing condensation levels it keeps you and your passengers comfortable and healthy.
It may appear that your car air conditioning system is a closed system. But it isn’t so. Your AC holds something called a refrigerant which is always trying to push out and is released as gas without you being aware of the process. Slowly, the AC’s cooling capacity wanes away. And by the time you notice that warm air is blowing from the AC instead of cool air, significant refrigerant loss occurs.
Regular maintenance is needed to preserve the air conditioning work more efficiently and it needs to be serviced and recharged to continue to work to its optimum level. We at Boby Auto garage, best Car AC Repair in Dubai diagnose and repair most air conditioning related problems. Our instruments analyses and measures the level of coolant accurately to confirm real problems in air conditioning.
Our Services include;
- AC refrigerant check and Top-up
- AC cooling system inspection
- Condenser, evaporator, drier, etc replacements
- Repair/Replace of AC cooling pipes
- O-Rings replacement
- AC UV dye inspection

Tire Inflation and Rotation

Just imagine, you have all the systems working perfectly smooth for you. But your one tire, just one tire is punctured? What can you do?
Absolutely nothing.
Hence, as the only parts of your vehicle that actually touch the road, tires need to your first attention. Good tire maintenance involves timely checking of proper psi levels, an inspection of tread wear levels and if necessary, replacements for new tires. Hope city Auto offers a full range of tire services ranging from tire replacement, balancing, alignment to nitrogen filling.
Tires in good condition & properly inflated help to improve fuel economy and wear more evenly as well. That’s why our services include checking the tire pressure and inflating or deflating the tires as appropriate to meet your vehicle manufacturer’s recommendations.
We also recommend inflating tires with nitrogen as it keeps the inner walls of the tires cooler and helps in giving longer life for the tires and in turn gives better mileage. One of the key habits you need to develop to take care of tires and rotation correctly is to conduct a visual examination every two weeks.
Good traction is essential to feel comfortable on the road. Regular tire rotations at Hope city Auto – Car Repair and Maintenance Dubai can help evenly distribute wear so that you get the most miles out of your tires while maximizing traction on all four wheels and helping prevent flat tires.
Other Parts
While the above services are essential, a car is much more complex machinery. Even a small screw missing can create havoc that goes on like a chain reaction spreading to other areas in time. So, Hope city Auto as your complete Car Service Center in Dubai also takes special care in the periodic maintenance of the below parts like:
Exhaust System | Hoses | All Lights | Wheel | Door Mechanism and winding working | Steering Fluid | Wiper Blade and it’s working
The exhaust system is the very thrust giving mechanism and has an environmental role as well. Hoses work along with a belt to keep your vehicle moving and if damaged can have a direct impact on the engine. Lights, wheel and door mechanism forms the aesthetic utilities that add style and extra advantage to your vehicle. For example, a wheel that has alloy is better in strength than normal ones; an automatic door system makes it easier for you to control the four glasses and locks with a centralized touch.
Wiper blades, steering fluid, etc are the primary elements in making your driving experience great joy. Hope City auto garage has experts who care for cars like a dear friend. They are not only skilled in the above list of maintenance manual but any issue you have. Just drive in for a quick look and our technicians will do it for you.